I've been looking for an alternative to AiBO for years, and then this little nugget came along.
I just finished building it and am working on fine tuning my new pet!
Thank you for all your hard work bringing this project to life, I'm really excited about the prospects of experiementing and evolving Nybble, its been really fun tinkering and my Nybble is enjoying his new home!
@Rongzhong Li What are you using to host the forum?
My Gosh, you have done a tremendous job, its really looking too good and pretty, this robot shows how you really work hard on it, I wanna tell you that I buy a lil bit similar Halloween pro, actually not very similar but lil bit same, I bought my one from Halloween coupons, but I really love your work, and I appreciate it from bottom of my heart.
Thanks for sharing Nybble’s pics in his new home! I'm glad that you like it.