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Petoi is the maker of futuristic programmable robotic pets and the developer of OpenCat, the open-source quadruped robot platform. Its mission is to bring sophisticated, affordable, and cute robotic pets from fiction to reality.

Petoi started as OpenCat, the founder Rongzhong Li's viral open-source robotic pet project in 2016.  The project eventually had a successful crowdfunding campaign for its first product robot cat Nybble on Indiegogo in 2018 and the product delivery in 2019.   In Oct 2020,  Petoi's second product robot dog Bittle successfully raised $567k on Kickstarter and has started the shipment in Dec 2020.

petoi nybble and bittle.jpg

The unique value propositions of Petoi's robots:

  • ​innovative

  • cute

  • world's first palm-sized robot dog

  • realistic, lifelike

  • can run, walk, self-balance like a real animal

  • can be programmed to do amazing tricks, and perform instinctive and sophisticated movements

  • with its customized Arduino board coordinating all instinctive and sophisticated movements, one can clip on various sensors to bring in perception and inject artificial intelligence capabilities by mounting a Raspberry Pi or other AI chips through wired/wireless connections

  • great quadrupled robot kit for robotics research or STEM education

  • affordable comparing to existing robot pets that cost thousands of dollars

Thus, Petoi has earned acclaims from the Arduino, Raspberry Pi communities and major media coverage from around the globe.





创始人 & CEO

物理博士 | 计算机硕士
曾任教于 维克森林大学 计算机系
kai mai gannan small.jpg



前 爱乐奇 技术副总裁
会长 | 加州大学伯克利分校 全球华人校友会上海分部
         卡内基梅隆大学 上海校友会


PCB 设计师

计算机视觉博士 在读
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