Hello, i have an issue with calibration. I have new kit with v2 board, original servos. Batteries are ok, measured and fine but i did try external laboratory power supply as well but without luck.
First, i did basic calibration with "c" on serial console and set basic leg angle as on following picture:
Them i start to calibrate using command "c8 number" to do fine tuning. Servo 8 and 9 are acting weird, when i send "c8 0" several times ( mean i will send same command over and over ) servo move to random position:
This is happening only to servo 8 and 9. Servo 10 and 11 works fine mean command c10 0 will not move servo at all and c10 1 will move it little bit. Multiple same commands are working fine too.
Next weird is when i reset serial connection akka restart main board and send command "c" for basic calibration position all legs move to correct position.
Any suggestion before i will start some deep debug action ? :) Thanks
I did all points to be sure. Nybble is now working but it have "neural tick" at some point, for example when i press "ch-" to sit then at some point - always at same, all or almost all servos shake for a tenth of second then return back to correct track. It happen even when i hold it in air so i guess it is not servro load ?
Glad to hear the problem was solved. Do you think it's the soldering problem? At the points of servo plug pins?
Ok problem solved with resoldering all critical looking points :)