Hi all, I'm trying to move joint idx 0, the base of the neck, by sending "m0 x" where x is an integer that oscillates between -30 and 30. The joint doesn't move, but when I switch it to "m1 x" the head nods as expected. Am I using the command right, or is there a bug I need to figure out? I've verified that the servo still works by testing it externally, and I've double checked that it's wired to pwm pin 7
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I reuploaded writeInstinct.ino and went through the calibration procedure, then reuploaded Nybble.ino. It works now! The head is panning perfectly :) Thanks!
If the head doesn’t pan that means the servo is not receiving signal. Check whether the servo pin have contact problem, i.e. bad soldering point, etc. Also try to reupload the writeInstinct.ino. It has the definition of joint map.
I'm using ardSerial.py to send these commands from a raspberry pi. I tried 'kbalance' and Nybble stood up and started balancing as expected. When rolling the body slightly the head does not pan, however. I checked the polarity and it seems fine (yellow cord is closest to the board). I'll try going through the calibration process again to see if the head pans around when I set the offsets
Joint 0 is defined as head panning joint.
1. Which interface are you using to send "m0 x"? Of course, if "m1 x" works, the problem shouldn't be in the interface.
2. Send "kbalance", does Nybble stand up and try to balance when you rotate it? Especially, does the head pan when you roll the body?
3. Check the polarity of the servo's plug.
4. Was the head installed as the zero state during initial calibration?
5. Send "mIdx x", where Idx goes from 0 to 16. Maybe it's just plugged to a wrong PWM port.