Thanks! I love your fantastic robot cat!
So i Remaking nybble as opencat~
I design new parts and print All parts by 3d printer with petg.
It works great with balancing.
But, right shoulder (front and rear) rotate reverse direction. I used original opencat source at github.
Maybe i have to correct code (motor direction of both shoulder ^^) this right?

Good job!! I see you are using the "trot" gait. I've been working with the Walk gait, and am still trying to eliminate the slipping when feet moving up and forward touch the ground too soon, and push Nybble back. I haven't been brave enough to try to prevent this on the Trot gait (which requires balancing on two feet, at least for the moment!). It looks like you have boots on each foot for better traction, a good idea!, but I've discovered that if the foot hits the ground while it is going forward, it still pushes Nybble backwards. Better gripping works both ways. Do you have any improvements/insights since your last post? I have a related post under "variable speed walking" for comparison.
Nice work. What battery do you use? Please attach a few more photos from several sides.
Hello!Can you share your machinical design?Such as stl files? Thank you very much. I want make one also.
I somehow missed the notification of your post. Very well done! Yes, you can change the adaptive parameters array for balancing.
Well done! Wanna see her walking, where is the video? ;) I usually have to reset up the direction of rotation when using different servos:
int8_t rotationDirections[] = { 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1 };
At the moment I am building a big one using JX PDI-HV5523 HV servos and spot micro body.
Right Shoulder motor direction sett is not problem just do extinct, but lateral balancing! How can i do?