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Forum Posts

Jun 09, 2020
In Hardware
Hello, I saw that Teensy board is more powerful then arduino and nybble boards. I wanted to ask if anyone tried to use it on Nybble? As well if somehow this board can be connected with Nybble board and how? Question about new nybble board is how powerful is going to be? Thanks.
May 26, 2020
In Software
Hello, I wanted to start playing with new skills. I have a question regarding joint angles. Example that you explained and something that came up with calibration function is : - If I have 44 for joint 12 that would mean that this joint 12 should move to 44 degrees in positive direction - if I have -39 that means that joint will move to 39 degrees in the negative, opposite, direction. First question is: are these numbers degrees directly that joint will use for movement or move to 44 degrees from the angle where joint 12 was? I plotted degrees and arm length of servos 12 and 8 on the paper and I am assuming that I should get the leg movement - but this is not the case, it is showing partially correct path, but for example servo 8 does not move to the 15 degrees as a first movement and never goes to 16 and 12 degrees at the end - so I am calculating my angles wrongly as Nybble is moving nicely :) Can you please explain a bit ?
May 13, 2020
In Software
Hi, I have a question regarding the sketch size. Namely I introduced only few PTL and out of sudden I don't have any more space and verify fails with too large error. Since I am a beginner I am not sure what is calculating the size so I removed most of the ifdef Developer checks , Printlines and comments in order to lower the size and I somehow managed it. Then I started playing with Nybble.ino and adding and altering and doing printlines mostly to figure it out how it is working and then again I run into same error - > no space. so I copy pasted version where I had space and then surprise -> no space.... I currently have 588 lines and almost no space. in this version I do not have a single printline entered by myself and no my functions.. pure petoi and then again no space. Can you help me please and let me know what is exactly influencing the size and contributing to the error. I am really puzzled
May 04, 2020
In Hardware
Hi, I was seeing few videos on how to connect your old RC transmitter with the arduino. It seems possible but you need as well entire board from the RC Car that will decode the signal. I have both. The question is on how to connect it with Nybble board - if possible at all. It would be cool if it is possible to controll Nybble that way. I am willing to try and will be doing some research in the following days. Any hint/advise is appreciated.
May 01, 2020
In Software
Hello, I am aware that speed mainly depends on the servos and that servos delivered are not quite high end. Nevertheless I wanted to check if there is any software or hardware (board switch) that I could play with in order to force kitty to walk faster. Also in tutorial it is mentioned board switch that I can turn but I am not sure what exactly is it for. Can you please explain. My jumper is set on Batt and V_S. Also in the code part there is a speedratio defined as float speedRatio[2] = {1, 1};: Can you please clarify that? void behavior(int n, char** skill, float *speedRatio, int *pause) { for (byte i = 0; i < n; i++) { motion.loadBySkillName(skill[i]); transform( motion.dutyAngles, speedRatio[i]); delay(pause[i]); } }
Apr 28, 2020
In Clinic
Hi, I have a question regarding developer mode. Unfortunately as soon as DEV mode is enabled it fails with Exit Status 1 right after ,Error compiling for board ATmega328P (5V, 20 MHz) NyBoard V0_1. Using library MPU6050 in folder: C:\Users\user\Documents\Arduino\libraries\MPU6050 (legacy) Initially I changed board to 0_2 in Instict.h and managed to upload and play with kitty. Please let me know what I need to do to enable debug mode Second question is I wanted to do pretty much the same just without debug mode and with a lot of Printlines. The result is the same. Any thoughts? I added only PTL("this happens") in multiple places in the Nybble.ino code.
Apr 11, 2020
In Basic Assembly and Setup
Hi all, first of all sorry for the long post but I had to somehow explain the issue. In short: I am calibrating the kitty and once I can go through "6.1.2. Upload and run WriteInstinct.ino", servos move and everything looks ok. Now in 6.2 I should use WriteInstinct.ino in order to send "c" command in order to enter the calibration mode. Now with the *.ino file "c" command is ignored. Only thing what I bet is one beep and no servo moves. Longer explanation: I think these is an inconsistency in the calibration process or part missing. On the main Calibration page it is written that "n previous sections, we have prepared those body parts, but haven’t screwed them onto servos. If we don’t calibrate the servos before attaching them, they may rotate to any direction, get stuck, and cause damage to either the servos or body parts." - so parts are not screwed or mounted to prevent damage. Then we go on through the calibration process part 1 on the web page "6.1. Write constants" which moves servos and performs other calibration and after we finish that we should do chapter "6.2 Enter Calibration mode" There it is mentioned "You MUST plug in all the servos and battery for proper calibration. Then in the serial monitor, type ‘c’ to enter calibration mode. The servos should rotate one by one with unnoticeable time intervals then stop. Depending on their initial shaft direction, some may travel larger angles until stopping at the middle point. There will be noise coming from the gear system of the servos. You will see the calibration table:" - so to me this still looks the same parts are still not mounted. In the Forum post Rongzhong Li answers: "In writeInstinct.ino, it just writes constants to the static memory. Token “c” will make the robot stand on elbows and knees. “kbalance” makes it stand on feet. You may have some mistakes when attaching the legs during calibration. Enter “c” first then attach the legs in 90 degrees. After uploading Nybble.ino, the cat will self balance when stands up. There’s a voltage watcher that beeps if the voltage drops too much during movement. Since you are powering the servos directly by the batteries, it’s probably the limited discharging ability of batteries." so the questions are: Do I have to mount legs now after chapter 6.1? How to enter the mode where I can execute "c" ? is "c" for Calibration or for kitty to stand up? do I have to upload Nybble.ino to enter "c" calibration process or not? Thanks for your help.
Apr 06, 2020
In Basic Assembly and Setup
Hi all, first of all great project. I would like to know if there is a possibility to use 18650 batteries? In open cat v2 this battery type is listed and in V1 it is not. Can you tell me where can I find instructions on how to connect these batteries and if something like powerbank XTAR PB2 can be used and how. Thanks for any info I appreciate it.


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