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Forum Posts

Phillip Brush
Nov 24, 2022
In Software
I much prefer VSCode and PlatformIO to the Arduino IDE, however PlatformIO doesn't support the Nybble board. Does anyone know if I would be able to use a different board for the PlatformIO project (i.e. the uno) and import the related libraries (i.e. the Adafruit PWM Servo Driver library)?
Phillip Brush
Aug 09, 2022
In General Discussions
The last time I worked on Nybble (about a year ago?) I started to set up Nybble to start running code, however, I only finished part of the setup. Since then it looks like the process has changed, and while I think I effectively finished the new setup process, I keep running into issues when I try uploading a sketch. I tried uploading the most recent files off of GitHub, but I keep getting a long string of errors including "___ was previously declared", "implicit pointer mismatch", and "code may be misoptimized unless -fno-strict-aliasing is used". Not really sure what to do, especially about functions being previously declared because the error message only shows them being declared in one place. While it is redundant, I have attached the full stack trace.
Phillip Brush
Jun 24, 2021
In General Discussions
I'm sorry if this is redundant but I downloaded the drivers yet my computer still can't find the port for the FTDI uploader. Is there something I'm missing?
Phillip Brush
Jun 15, 2021
In Basic Assembly and Setup
I've been working with the Nybble kit on college vacations since the most recent holiday break and I've had to resolder the pin connectors for the ultrasonic sensor at least 4 times due to my own lack of carefulness. Recently I put in the batteries for the first time since at least March and I found out the yellow LED (the cat's right eye on the board) won't light up-- I hooked it up to a Voltmeter and no electricity is going through it. I don't remember if it ever lit up in the first place, but is there the possibility that soldering the pin connectors for the ultrasonic sensor or the connectors for the Raspberry Pi screwed up the part of the circuit that gets voltage to the left LED? If so, is there anyway to fix it or do I need a replacement board? Could anything else be affected or just the LED which is seemingly there for aesthetic? This has been my first major electronics kit so I don't even know if these questions can even be answered without further inspection of the board.

Phillip Brush

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