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Forum Posts

yuji simada
Mar 21, 2021
In Basic Assembly and Setup
Hello. I was able to complete the Bittle assembly. He can walk slowly. But he can't walk at normal speed. He loses his balance while walking. I tried Calibration several times but it didn't work. I suspect this is due to the right hind leg. It looks to me that the right hind leg is behind the left hind leg. Is there any other possible cause for this? please tell me.
Why can't my Bittle walk well? content media
yuji simada
Jun 29, 2019
In Basic Assembly and Setup
Hello. I am enjoying assembling this robot cat ,Nybble . But I can't finish setup. I can't finish calibration. I tried calibration more than ten times. But I can't finish because the cat move abnormally. After I typed 'c', all servos were moving and stopped. After stopping I tried to calibrate and joined leg parts. And I calibrate each of servos, the 10th servo, the 9th servo, the11 servo, the8 servo, and the cat abnormally .In that case I can't stop it. Several of servos moved abnormally. After that I unplugged USB cable from uploader. And I reconnected USB cable. But the cat move abnormally again. So I have no choice but to reset the cat. Is this cause battery trouble? USB cable trouble? and other? Could you tell me the why?

yuji simada

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