Though we have too few participants in the previous challenges, I still want to keep exploring what Bittle can achieve by our users.
Below is a new behavior to make Bittle walk over a wide gap. The distance between Bittle's shoulder joints is 105mm. The gap is 58mm.
The skill is created with the Skill Composer you can design complex motion planning with sliders and buttons.

A newer skill is developed to make the movement much smoother. The gap is now 85mm. The skill can be downloaded from the SkillLibrary. The text file can be imported directly into the Skill composer and then exported to the robot for validation. You can use the serial token 'T' to call the latest uploaded skill. No Arduino programming will be involved. You may try to increase the distance or reduce the time spent.
* Due to the limited memory size on NyBoard, the skill is only valid on ESP32 quadruped robot controller BiBoard with a larger memory size. You may skip some of the frames (make the frame <= 23) to reduce the skill size.
In the NyBoard version of OpenCat.h, the memory reserved to store a skill is defined as:
int8_t *dataBuffer = new int8_t[467];
A behavior has a 7-byte header followed by many frames of 20 bytes. So 23 frames correspond to 23*20+7 = 467 bytes.
As always, amazing job Rz. Sam