I tried calibrating with WriteInstinct.
It asks if I want to reset joint calibration and I say Yes
Then it asks to update instincts but does not wait for me to answer and says
Won't overwrite Instincts on external I2C EEPROM!
Saving skill info...
I nstinct:bdI
I nstinct:bkI
I nstinct:zeroI
*********** Notice! *********
Maximal storage of onboard EEPROM is 1024 bytes.
Instinctive dictionary used 515 bytes (50.29 %)!
* Assigning 43 skill addresses...
Why does it not wait for the answer to calibrate instincts? Why does not ask to calibrate MPU? I don't know if the motors were supposed to turn but they did not. I did have the batteries connected.
I also tried running Nybble
This printed:
* Start *
Initialize I2C
Connect MPU6050
Test connection
MPU successful
Initialize DMP
-1 -1 -1 -1
Enable DMP
Enable interrupt
DMP ready!
* Assigning 0 skill addresses...
over and over again. After it prints "Finished!" I think the board is restarting? The motors never turned during any of this.
I did try and run moduleTests and the motors did run for that.