I was trying to change the position of the Kzero on bittle to make him try to do a handstand. I was able to get the new servo positions to work but ran into a new error. Now when I try to get Bittle to do skills now, my Bittle just spazzes and acts like he is doing a fast gait without moving forward rather than a skill. I did have some issues with the programmer out of sync so is there something wrong with my code or is the skill data getting corrupted from the sync issues? Resetting my zero numbers back from the new values didn't seem to help either. This is what I uploaded after resetting the zero values back to zero. I'm really confused as to how I broke my Bittle's skills without altering them at all.

You can download the original header file from GitHub and do a side by side comparison. Meld (Windows) and FileMerge (Mac) should be helpful.