I've been designing an alternative head for Bittle since April. It can be mounted on the existing head servo and equipped with an ultrasonic distance sensor.
Edit: The files are online at https://www.printables.com/model/993292-servo-rotatable-cat-head-with-slot-for-distance-se

@Rongzhong Li I just found out through another thread that there is a custom Petoi RGB distance sensor for the NyBoard. Don't you sell these anywhere? https://docs.petoi.com/extensible-modules/ultrasonic-sensor
I have now finished the back panel and improved the model to be compatible with all common ultrasonic sensors. Turns out I did originally design it for all but had not taken shrinkage into account. I may decide to put the model up for sale later because I put a lot of work into it, so I'd say download while it's free! 😊 https://www.printables.com/model/993292-servo-rotatable-cat-head-with-slot-for-distance-se Edit: I made one last change to the gap in the back panel, so that it rests against the servo shaft to keep it in position.
It looks cute. Will it be available for other users to download?
A nice design!